France will host the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, events which are the standard bearers of the traditional values of friendship, respect, excellence, determination, inspiration, courage and equality. The "Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains" collective (Together against trafficking in human beings") is launching its awareness-raising campaign to recall that this major sporting event must be a celebration for each and every one of us.
Circulating posters to raise the awareness of public attending events at the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games
According to one survey carried out in 2022 by 69 associations interviewing 2,675 victims supported by them in France, 76% had experienced sexual exploitation, 15% had experienced exploitation in the workplace, 7% had been coerced into committing crimes and 2% had been forced into begging. This figure hides an even darker reality. The actual number of victims, women and men, children and adults, often difficult to identify, is in fact much higher.
Through its campaign, the "Ensemble contre la traite des être humains" Collective is raising awareness of forms of exploitation and offering keys to understanding the phenomenon and suggesting ways to take action.
Sharing the life stories of victims of trafficking and exploitation
These men, women and children all have something in common: they were conned and placed their trust in the wrong person, in the hope of a better life. Here are their stories.
Exploited in the workplace
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Forced into drug dealing
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Forced into selling her body
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Victim of sexual exploitation
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Victim of sexual exploitation
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Download, read and use the complete publication to take action to prevent exploitation on the sidelines of major sporting events
This booklet compiled by the Collective is designed to provide all readers, whether private individuals or professionals, with the keys to understanding exploitation and pathways for preventing and combating the phenomenon. It will contribute to the training of all professionals and volunteers who may potentially come into contact with victims of exploitation (police officers, people working for social services or in education, sport and culture, etc.).
- Why raise awareness of the risks on the sidelines of major sporting events?
- What are the profiles and back stories of the victims?
- Are sportsmen and sportswomen themselves concerned?
- How is sport also a synonym for a productive life?
- How can we combat trafficking as a phenomenon?
Click below to find answers to all of these questions.
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(accessible file)
Click here for the desktop version
Contact for the Collective
Geneviève Colas,
coordinator of the "Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains" Collective.
+33 (0)6 71 00 69 90
Our partners

France's National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) is the national body which promotes and protects human rights, accredited with the United Nations.
Its assignment is to advise the public authorities on issues relating to respect for human rights and international law, to monitor compliance by France with its international commitments on raising awareness and to educate on the subject of human rights.
Since 2014, the CNCDH has acted as France's independent national rapporteur on several topics, including the prevention of and combat against human trafficking and exploitation. In the context of this mandate, recorded in each national action plan, the CNCDH publishes opinions and reports in which it analyses public policy aimed at combating this scourge and carries out awareness-raising activities targeting professionals and the general public.
Contact : www.cncdh.fr

Since 2013, France's Interministerial Mission for the Protection of Women against Violence and the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings (Miprof) has been the body driving and coordinating public policy on combating all forms of exploitation and trafficking of human beings and is the preferred point of contact for all European and international bodies on this subject.
In this context, Miprof is tasked with steering and monitoring the implementation of national actions aimed at combating exploitation and the trafficking of human beings, and in particular, the 3rd nation-wide plan, in close connection with the ministries, authorities, institutions and associations concerned.